You (the displayor) is/are granted the non-exclusive privilege of using the above copyrighted image on your product and services as long as the following conditions apply, including to the product/service/website/company name that this logo/image appears on:

1) The image shall not be modified except for resizing it in proportion. 
2) The readability of '' in the image shall be maintained.
3) The product or service on which this logo/image appears (or that are offered by the company that displays this logo next to its name) shall be available for sale without the customer/consumer having to agree on limitation of their litigation rights in the United States (US) state or federal court system
4) Any agreement that accompanies such a product or service shall have, by default, no limitation on the rights of the consumer to litigate in a US state/federal court system.
5) Granted, the consumer may have the ability to consent to a limitation of their right to litigate in the US. However, such a consent shall be a available only by a separate act by the consumer such as , without limitation, checking a box, accepting an addendum or initialing a specific part of the agreement. The entirety of the terms agreed upon by the consumer by a single such separate act shall not be more than 100 (one hundred) words and should be visible and readable by the consumer when agreed upon. If the terms needing agreement are over a hundred words, additional separate acts will be required of the consumer for each additional one hundred words.
6) If the consumer declines the consent to limit their rights of litigation as above, the product or service shall still be available to the consumer at a price or rate not higher than initially advertised/displayed or agreed upon. 
7) Granted, the product or service may be offered to the consumer at a discount after consumer consents to limitation of their litigation rights. However, such discounted price shall not be displayed more prominently or before the non discounted price that is applicable if the consumer declines to consent to limitation of their rights of litigation
8) Granted, the product or service may be offered to the consumer with special accommodation or features after consumer consents to limitation of their litigation rights. However, such special accommodation or features shall not be solicited without clear indication that they are contingent upon the consumer limiting their litigation rights.
9) This logo shall not be used to lure or misdirect the consumer to websites/products/services that do not necessarily agree to these terms and conditions.  
10) When displayed electronically (such as in an email or website), this image shall be linked to this page for people to review these terms and conditions.
11) Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit the ability of the displayor of this logo and the consumer to agree to a venue for litigation. As long as such a venue is a US state or federal court and all rights of the consumer in that jurisdiction are preserved.
12) This logo and terms and conditions are made available to you 'As is'. There is no implied warranty or fitness for a particular purpose. The displayor shall have no right to sue or seek damages from the author of this image, website owner or their heirs or assigns. The displayor shall utilize his/her/their independent judgement to determine if this logo is prudent for use.
13) This agreement creates no rights for the displayor or any third party that are to be fulfilled by the author of this image, website owner or their heirs or assigns. 14) There is no duty or obligation of this website owner or author of above image to maintain this website for certain time periods or make it available in a jurisdiction
15) There is no duty or obligation of this website owner or author of above image to clarify these terms and conditions. 
16) No person, corporation, representative may claim any duty or obligation of the author of this image or this website's owner.
17) The displayor may discontinue use of above image at any time for no reason.
